Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Watch of Time

Here is a new story from the courteous of.... ME!

It's cased off of my friends story sorta.  She wrote a story about a girl named Terra, that girl inherits a watch from her Grandfather that just died.  She has the watch taken away but soon recovers it, after a huge adventure, she figures out that watch problem was her Grandfather just testing her.

This book is called The Watch of Time, but if you guys can think of something more creative, just post the title, and say why it should be that way.  Okay, onto the story! Terra and Shadow are best friends forever. They have gone through tough times, and fun times, but the only one left is life or death times. And it starts when they find a mystical watch that whizzes them backwards to the same day or the set day. Terra and Shadow try to find what is wrong and along the way find out that some people are out to get the watch. Shadow suddenly goes missing and Terra finds a note threatening her best friend. What will Terra do? Find out in this freshly nominated story of two friends and death


                   “Sir, I’ve located the watch. What shall we do?” a shadow appeared in front of a cloaked figure. The man spoke a thick accent, and ordered the shadow to do something. The shadow nodded and disappeared.
                 “We are going to crush anyone who gets in our way!” he bellowed. Other shadows followed him into the night as he slipped away.A girl on the orb lightened and the orb reader announced.
                 “She might be the one!” A man with a fluffy beard nodded and grunted.
                 “How do we know?”
                 “We can’t figure out unless…” the woman trailed off.
                 “Unless what?!” the man bellowed.
                 “Unless she actually does it,” the woman explained quickly. “And she might die!” The man erupted at that point.
                  “Die? Die? Why would I care about her dieing if other things are at stake?” The man shook his head and bid a good day to the woman. A that time another girl appeared on the screen, the two girls were walking together on the sidewalk. The woman called out to the man but he was already gone. The woman now feared about the two girls, so the woman quickly grabbed a coat, packed all of her money, and almost all of her food into her backpack. She took the next flight to the first girl’s address. Her name was Shadow.

The pictures don't turn up, they show the symbol for each kid, so each chapter shows what I'm narrating. Terra: a bright green forest. Shadow: A cat illuminated from the moon (but no features, just a dark shadow)

                                                        Chapter 1 (A pic. of Shadow)

           “Hey! Wait up, Shade!” a blond girl yelled as her friend rolled away on her new skateboard. She abruptly stopped, and waited for her friend to catch up to her. “Thanks,” the girl breathed as she ran up.
          “Hey, so, are you coming over to my house around 1:00?” Shadow asked, her brown hair glittering in the sun.
          “Yep, see you then!” her friend answered back.
          “Bye, Tesserack!” Shadow called as she skateboarded away. She dropped her new skateboard in the backyard and headed in. Shadow’s mom greeted her as she came in. A cat mewed at Shadow as she climbed the stairs.
          “Oh, hey Flames!” Shadow greeted as she rushed to her room. Her room had a soft green carpet; on the left upper corner was a walk-in-closet, turned into an overhang for the bed with a light pink curtain. On the left side there is couple of bean bags next to a small desk holding up a reading lamp. Across to the left was a drawer holding her clothes, and up in the right corner was a wrap around desk with a fun twirling chair. She dropped her cat on one of the bean bags and grabbed a fake mouse.
           “Catch it, Flames!” she cried as she tossed the fake mouse in the air. As fast as a cheetah, Flames shot out her paws and grabbed the mouse with its cut claws. “Nice job, Flames!” Shadow nodded to Flames and picked up a book called Fiery Conquest. She sat down and started to read. Time passed quickly as Shadow’s book skipped from the first page to in the middle. Her mother called her down after an hour of reading the book.
           “Coming!” Shadow called back as she raced down the stairs. As she came into the kitchen she could smell a filling aroma of food. “It smells great, mom!” Her mother nodded and brought over a plate of food. As Shadow ate with her mom, she thought about her party the next day at one.
            “Hey, mom what kind of food are we going to give?” she asked.
            “Well, we could make some cupcakes today, also serve some fruits or something fun!” her mom suggested.
            “Yeah, like maybe use umbrella toothpicks or cut the fruit into a certain shape!” Shadow agreed.        “Let’s start making the cupcakes today!” Shadow was bouncing with excitement of her twelfth birthday party the next day. She was going to have a couple of kids, mostly from school. One was her cousin, Madge. Madge was a fun thirteen year old girl, with a load of imagination. Shadow loved her, she was fun, and she had her own skateboard too. When Madge gets here, we can skateboard for the rest of the afternoon! Shadow dreamed. As soon as we finish the cupcakes the sooner we can play!
             “Mom, I’m finished, can I start making our cupcakes?” Shadow asked. Her mom agreed and Shadow set to work. First, she got the ingredients and measured them. After she mixed the batter, her mother helped to pour the batter into the cups. They popped it into the oven.
              “It says bake for thirty to forty minutes. I’ll set it to 25 for now.” Shadow clicked 25 and went to her room to play on her laptop. “I want to go on Pokefarm!” she sighed. Quickly, the computer turned on, and she started to play on a website that allowed her to interact with her pokemon and grow them from an egg to the final evolution pokemon. She loved it because it was fun trying to take care of different pokemon that she could feed or put in daycare. After a while she got bored of waiting for Madge and decided to test out her skateboard a little more.
            “Mom! I’m going outside!” Shadow called.
             “Okay, let me know if Madge gets here!” her mom instructed. Shadow agreed and ran outside to the backyard. There, in the backyard was a skateboard ramp with her skateboard perched on top of it.
            “Wow, how did it get way up there?” Shadow wondered aloud. She shrugged and climbed up to the top and whizzed down the ramp gaining speed, as she slowed to the other side she flipped the skateboard around twice and headed back down.
             “Wow!” a girl exclaimed in awe as she watched Shadow do it once more. Shadow came to a halt in the middle.
             “Madge! You finally came!” she cried happily at the sight of her cousin.
              “Yep, it’s the one and only, Madge!” Madge’s hair was a light auburn hair, that was naturally wavy, and she loved to braid it down her neck.
             “Looks like you’re doing it the Katniss way!” Shadow remarked as she noticed the hairdo.
             “Yep! Hey, where do I put your present?” Madge asked. Shadow guided her cousin to the present pile. “Not that big yet, though!” Shadow and Madge laughed.
             “Yeah, well you’re the first so, congratulations!” Shadow joked. Her hand went up to push her hair out of the way but instead grabbed Madge’s hand. “You got to see my newly decorated room!” Shadow urged. Madge nodded her head and ran upstairs with her cousin.
             “Whoa, Shade! This is awesome!” Madge complimented. Shadow led Madge to her bed.
             “I turned the crummy closet into an awesome overhang, for my bed!” Shadow explained. Madge was stuck in awe.
              “Oh! Can I give you a present early?” Madge asked.
              “Uh, sure, I guess?” Shadow answered, unsure of the situation. Madge brought out something from her pockets; it was neatly wrapped with a cute bowtie on top.
               “Wow! That’s amazing!” Shadow grinned at the present. Quickly, Shadow tore open the bowtie and the box. “How cool! A watch! Thank you so much!” Shadow burst with happiness.


Chapter Two  (this is Terra)
Terra walked through the store's aisles to look for one more present for her best friend.  Something shiny caught her eye.  It was a giant slinky. Not for her... but maybe me!  Terra thought.  She kept on going through the store.

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