Friday, July 6, 2012

Thanks to my friends on, i am now inspired to make a clan on Pokefarm, here is where you can post ur new idea onto this place!  :)  hope you can do it!  To post your idea for a different clan/territory click on the comments button and remember to say where u came from and what username you are!

Also, if you want to be in a higher rank than a warrior, you got to Role-Play (RP) for this topic:
 Warriors, after The Last Hope.  It's in Thunderclan and Bramblestar has just gotten his nine lives, appointed Cherrypaw and Molepaw: Cherryfeather and Moleclaw.  You are going to be a kit from Lionblaze and Cinderheart's litter.  You'll start at 3 moons old and you have two other siblings: Darkkit and Silverkit, both she-cats.  The RP has to be just about one or two paragraphs (about 15 sentences) so people can read it fast and vote easily.

Edit: I will be rp-ing as 2 different cats because my sister likes to rp. Pokefarm users may know her as the person who pms you or the main user of my Pokefarm account. We will be clearly marked with Dark or Silver, so you can tell us apart.
  • State your warrior name that you want for the clan.  
  • Aim for about 15 sentences
  • one more thing:  try to make it your best RP ever so you could be voted your position.
The high positions are:
  1. Leader
  2. Deputy
  3. Medicine cat

Thanks to all of you on Pokefarm that inspired me to make this clan, ones that helped me first:

Special K
Dovewing12 or Snowstar

and others
Users that want their cat in the clan here is the form to fill it out:


Cat Name:
History (optional):
 How you got here:

We already have some people signed up with their cats, I'll post the first few:

 Leader: (for now) Rockstar (but later he will die and another person could take his place)

Deputy: - Voting for in a poll (DO NOT VOTE yet)

Med. Cat: -
Med. cat apprentice: -


Silentecho (AquaStar), a white cat with gray marks on her back, tail, and head.  

Sunfeather (username too), a ginger she-cat with russet stripes and lynx points, white: paws, chest, belly, muzzle, and tail-tip.  Green eyes and a big, white, triangular mark on her forehead.

Batfang (aladigifan), skinny black she-cat with huge ears.

Snowpelt (pikachushinx),  A snow white she-cat with a single black paw.

Brookeflight ( bmeduho), a bengal cat with the white paws and tail tip of a tuxedo cat and relatively large once fully grown. (do you want it as a warrior? or a kit?)

Queens: -
Apprentices: -
Elders: -
Injured: -


  1. Yay, bookies! You mentioned me!


  2. Uh... Derp?
    Should I put the form here?

    Name: Silentecho
    Rank: Warrior
    Description: <-Apperance.
    Short tempered; minor results. Many thoughts, but silent. Likes peace, but will fight.
    Kin: None
    Mate: None
    Crush: None
    History: Not much to say, other than he was the only one left in his family. (I'm just too lazy to think up more names. :|)
    How you got here: Via Pming (Pokefarm)

    ~ -AquaStar-

  3. Thanks, AquaStar, and yeah, Sunfeather, I added your name! I wouldn't want to miss you! ;)

    1. *Is touched* thank you

    2. P.S.
      I did what you told me to. I PMed ShadowMoss and filled out the form she PMed to me. Here:

      Username: Sunfeather
      Cat's Name: Sunfeather
      Gender: She-cat
      Appearance: Ginger with russet stripes and lynx points, white paws, chest, belly, muzzle, and tail-tip, green eyes and a large, white, triangular mark on her forehead.
      Personality: my personality: Stubborn, feisty(I get that a lot) but has a soft side that doesn't always show.
      History (optional): a former loner, after her father was hit by a monster and her mother was killed by rogues, she joined ______Clan for a better life. Her sister's name is Silverstrike (one of my Absols, actually)
      Kin: Storm(father), Jasmine(mother) , Silverstrike(sister)
      Mate/Crush: Flashfire (crush) he likes her too
      Other: A great hunter and fighter

    3. Mentor(former): Bramblestar

      So, you actually did what I suggested?


    4. I want to be deputy


      Sunpaw trotted towards to Highledge, with her best friend Spottedpaw, her brother Firepaw. (me and bookies have been RPing this for a while. I was Spotty's and Fire's sister, but then I had filled in the form differently. This is how she got the story ideas probably. Through the RPing we did via PMing) Bramblestar looked proudly down at his apprentice(me) and her friends. He said those magical words(haha, too lazy) and said, "I believe my apprentice has learned a lot. Would you give your life to the clan?" "I do." "May StarClan look down at you and prove you worthy of a warrior! From now on, you shall be known as Sunfeather! ThunderClan honers your compassion and honesty." He turned to Spottedpaw. She became Spottedpath, and finally, it was Firepaw's turn. Bramblestar closed his eyes and meowed quietly, "Dovewing named her only son after ThunderClan's greatest leader. We shall remember Firestar as a honorable warrior. Firepaw, would you fight for ThunderClan with your life?" Firepaw bravely mewed in response, "Yes. I hope to keep the memory of Firestar alive in everyone's hearts. I may have never met him, but I know he was great. I will never be as good as him, but I will try." The apprentice's moving words shook everyone, including himself. Sandstorm's
      shoulders shook as she sobbed. "Then from now on, you shall be known as Fireblaze. May Firestar's memory blaze through ThunderClan!" The leader choked on his words. Every cat that had Firestar as a leader had tears in their eyes(can cats cry? Well, in here they can)and even the cats that didn't had tears as well. The whole clan cheered for the new warriors. "Spottedpath! Sunfeather! Fireblaze! Spottedpath! Sunfeather! Fireblaze!"

      Not really a paragraph, but oh well. It was most important, was it? Cause if it wasn't...

    5. ShadowMoss told me it was most important moment, so.. If it is not correct, blame her. Sorry, Shadow! ;)

      ~ Sunny

  4. Name: Batfang
    rank: warrior
    description: skinny black she-cat with huge ears (picture here [IMG][/IMG])
    kin: cat named dewfur but it dosent matter
    mate: none yet
    crush: still none
    history: um I will think of something


  5. It's SilverPelt! Clan names...
    The regular 4 clans
    I will stop there.

  6. Cat Name: Snowpelt
    Gender: She-cat
    Appearance: A snow white she-cat with a single black paw
    Personality: Kind
    History (optional): As a kit, she ran away from her old clan to explore. She got lost and the clan let her in.
    Kin: Unknown
    Mate/Crush: Unknown, Open to anybody who wants her
    Other: Queen
    How you got here: Pokefarm PM


  7. Username: bmeduho

    Cat Name: BrookFlight

    Gender: Female

    Appearance: a bengal cat with the white paws and tail tip of a tuxedo cat and relitivly large once full grown.

    Personality: has a nice personality but do not get on her bad side she will knock you off your paws and claw your ear in the blink of an eye when mad

    History (optional): Her loner mother draged her last remaining kit into the clan end of last begining of last winter in a snow storm. the mother died 2 days later

    Kin: all known: family died

    Mate/Crush: none

    Other: she is just kit hoping to be a med cat.

    How you got here: said in history

  8. "BrookKit, Darkkit today is finaly the day!" SilverKit screams into our ears waking up half the clan.
    "Ow! SilverKit comtrol your happyness, control" Darkit coments grumpily.
    "Well im with SilverKit we should be happy today because were finaly going to be aprentices!" I say exidedly.
    AT SUNHIGH.....

    BrambleStar: all cats old enough to catch thier own prey gather underneath the high rock!
    "FINALY" SilverKit yells
    "the loudmouth is yelling again" DarkKit mutters
    We all walk up to BrambleStar at the call of out kit names.
    "SilverKit your new name is SilverPaw and your apprenticed to ME"
    "DarkKit your new name is DarkPaw and your apprenticed to SquirelFlight"
    AND "BrookKit
    your new name is BrookPaw and your aprenticed to JayFeather"
    I run up and touch noses with the blind med cat.

    1. PS. i want to be the med cat in this clan

  9. Peoples do me a favor and go here. Warriors fans, IF you have poke farm, pm me to join.

  10. Thanks for all the support! I'm working hard to make this a sucess, so I'm glad you guys are around =) Also I'm makeing a new page for the rp-ing, so feel free to post yours there.

  11. Update!

    Later, there will be a second clan, when the first clan will fill up. And, please read the instructiuons if you want to be a high ranking position for your cat(s)! Thanks!



  13. Hey Bookie, I read the rules.Can Thunderclaw be Deputy?

    Cat's Name:Thunderclaw
    Age:20 moons
    Rank: Deputy?
    Personality:Strict but kind

    1. You could, but we are still finding a way that gives everyone who wants to be deputy a fair shot at it.

  14. What we've thought of is having a poll for the users who want these high positions, but right now, there isn't enough.


  15. Since I never filled out the form here it is:
    Username: ShadowMoss
    Cat Name: ShadowMoss
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: I'll show you in a PM.
    Personality: Very hesitant and paranoid that someone will find out she abandoned her original Clan. Though she deeply trusts her Clanmates, she tries to keep from doing a lot of talking.
    History: I'll PM you all the long stuff because I don't trust my Kindle. e.e
    Mate/Crush: Bushtail, but he's gone now.
    Kin: All she wants people to know is that her mother was named Petal. She refuses to give out her father's name because she is afraid someone may feel that she betrayed it just for the heck of it.
    Other: I'll Pm the RP sameple too.

  16. Note to Bookies:
    Cat Name: Spottedkit
    Gender: She-cat
    Appearance: brown with red and white splashes.
    Personality: sweet and caring, but will get temperamental sometimes. she has never like any toms before, but if she did. she would be great at hiding it.
    History (optional): was born in clan
    Kin:Silverkit;s and darkit's sister.
    Mate/Crush: none yet
    Mentor/apprentice: none yet
    Other: nope
    How you got here: Pokefarm, Hi its Spotedlight
    Spottedlight wants to join.
    P.s Im not spottedlight


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1. No cursing
2. If it's hate comments I will delete
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5. Have fun!
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