Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Leafclan Deputy Samples and Canidates

In case of the impatient people out there, we will start putting names in the poll as soon as Dark has time! Please wait!

Liomane5: I should be deputy because I'm a good rp-er: Dark bounded through the woods.Bloodclan was far behind him now.He smelt cats,many cats,He turned his head and that was the stroungest scent in that area.He decided to cross the scent marker.Three huge cats appeared. Bad Idea.He thought.The biggest one spoke."What are you doing on Leafclan territory?"Dark kept the large Tom's gaze."I am Dark escaper from Bloodclan.I am not on your territory I am on my own."The other cats snorted."Well."The large one continued."If your from Bloodclan but you left that makes this our territory."He turned to the other cats."Let's take him back to camp.

'Rainpaw, Rainpaw!' Wha... what is it?' I saw my sister's big, frightened eyes. 'What is it, Whitepoint?' 'It's Fireheart! There was a fight at the border with SandClan, he's badly injured!' I could not move my legs, it seemed as if my paws where frozen to the ground. 'Please come, he just asked me to fetch you!' Before she could say more, I flew to the medicine cats den. When I was in the hole I saw my brother lying on this flank, still breathing. 'No, what happened to you! Who had did this to you!?' Fireheart's reaction was a severe cough. 'Is that you Rainpaw?' another cough. 'Fireheart!' I walked up to him, but when I saw his throat I crawled back with my tail between my legs. The cobwebs were soaked by blood. Suddenly I feel a tail around my shoulders, when I looked up I saw Suntail and Yuccastar. Suntail pushed me out of the medicine cats den. 'I'm sorry little one but I can't do more for him, he's in the paws of StarClan now. I was shocked without another word I walked back in and lie next to my brother. 'I promise I won't leave your side.' After a while I heard another cough. 'Fireheart?' He opened this eyes. 'Rainpaw, I promise I will never leave you but will you promise me that you never leave our sister's side?' 'Yes, I will...' 'Then it's time for me to join StarClan.' He closed his eyes. 'But you promised you'll never leave me!' My throat felt thick and I could not swallow without pain my eyes began to water and the teardrops fell to the ground. 'I will never leave you, I'll be in your heart and dreams forever.' I heard his last sigh moved away from his body and I buried my nose in his shoulderfur. 'No you can't, please stay with me! Fireheart, no!' Through my tears, I ran into the clearing. I cried it out, 'Fireheart is dead!'

'Let all the cats who are old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the SunRock!' Yuccastar's voice went through the whole camp. Without a word I sad down next to my mentor Cedarfur. Fireheart had died a moon ago and Rainpaw had picked up her warrior training short after his dead. 'I have gread news today! Today Rainpaw will become a warrior! Please Rainpaw walk to me. With my tail and head high I walked to Yuccastar. 'I Yuccastar, leader of FogClan, callupon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of you noble Code. Rainpaw, do you pormise to uphold the ways of a warrior and protect the Clan even at the cost of your live?' 'I do.' Me heart pounded in my chest. 'Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your true name. Rainpaw from this moment you will be know as Rainheart. StarClan honors your knowledge and loyalty to the Clan.' I felt Yuccastar muzzle rest on my head, I rasped my tongue over her schoulder and I was thrilled about my warriorname. 'Rainheart, Rainheart!' I heared my sister above all the vioces. I looked up at the sky and I could hear Fireheart's whisper and smell his scent next to me. 'I'm proud of you, I will never leave your side.'

Outcastamnot, Jaggedstripe:
The wings of the crow beat on the back of Jet's neck. "Get away you mangy Scoundrel!" He brought his claws through the air and sliced through the bird's throat. He smiled to himself and picked up the bird and walked further into the twoleg-place. He jumped onto a fence and sat down, his large amber eyes came upon a small tabby she-cat. He slid down to the grass and set the piece of prey in front of her. "Oh Jet... You didn't have to catch another one..." She purred. Jet smirked. "Well, It's your favorite kind of prey. And the kits are sure to appreciate it." He brought his eyes upon the she-cat's swollen belly. "It'll be any day now. And I'm sure they'll be as strong as you." Jet thought back to the she-cat's first litter. She had left him with a strong she-kit, but he couldn't care for the little scrap for long. He waved his tail goodbye to his mate and leaps back over the fence.

The next day Jet came back to the yard. His eyes swooped around the two-leg's nest and throughout the garden. "Jet." The she-cat's voice sounded. Jet walked over to the screen door and sat down. "I am here." He purred and touched his nose to hers. He sensed sadness in her. "What is wrong, Flower?" She dipped her head. "Only one of the kits has made it... She is small." Flower started to cry. Jet knew that Flower had promised him the strongest kit. "Flower... You don't have to part with her." Flower cut the screen door in a hiss. "I don't break promises! Take her! Don't let her die!" Flower dropped the small tabby and white kit in front of his paws and disappeared into the nest. Jet was dismayed by his mate's sudden rage, she allways seemed to be calm and sweet. He picked up the small kit and carried her towards the forest.

Silver and Sun crouched in the ferns with their mother on the side of the Thunderpath. They stared out at the unmoving gray lump of fur. Beside them, Jasmine quaked. “No, not Storm. Please, it can't be Storm, no!” Sun reacted first. She pelted across to her father's body and started tugging it towards the ferns. Silver dashed out to help her, and together, they pulled it towards Jasmine. Jasmine stood dumbstruck at the sight of it. “My precious mate! Dead!” After they had mourned for Storm and buried him, Jasmine went out to hunt. Sun followed her, and found her talking to a group of rogues. “No no! It wasn't my fault! He ran out on the Thu-” She was cut off by the largest of the rogues. The rogue turned around. “Talon, finish it.” Jasmine screamed. “Stop! I swear! He just ran across the Thunderpath!” Sun whipped around and raced back to Silver. “The Band is killing our mother! Let's go before the Band catched up to us and kills us!” Together, the two sisters raced away, not knowing what lay up ahead. The two of them kept running, suddenly barging into what seemed to be a camp. A cat padded out of a star-shaped cave and addressed them. ‘’I am the leader of LeafClan. My name is Riverstar. Would you like to join us and learn the lives of a warrior?” The two little she-cats tipped their heads up and spoke in unison. “Yes.” Riverstar purred. “I like you two already.”

Fallensky walked aimlessly around camp. She heard a splinting crack and listened around camp for any comotion. Nobody else heard that? She wondered, then shrugged it off. Then she froze. Ofcourse no one else heard that! They don't rely in their hearing as much as I do, it was to quite to be heard... She thought and listened for any more mysterious noises. Another crack this time it sounded closer. Fallensky crept out of camp as quitely as possible. She smelt was so familiar but she couldn't name it. Atleast, not until it started growling and it pounced on her. Her mind raced as she fought this unknown creature. What is this?! She thought. She heard a swishing noise and clawed at it's tail. It was bushy and soft like a..."Fox!" Fallensky gasped and climbed up a tree. It was acctually more like a scramble but it was the best thing she could think of at the momment. The fox was circleing around the tree barking, growling, and whineing. Fallensky worked out a plan in her mind and knew what she was going to do. It was crazy, but she had to get this thing away from camp quickly. Leaping out of the tree, she ran as fast as she could. She senced and heard the fox take chase after her. As soon as she felt she was far enough from camp she climbed up another tree an tried to devise another plan. Stupid! She thought angrily. Why didn't you yowl for help when you were close to camp?! "Too late!" she whispered, and knew the fox was circleing the tree again. She lept down and landed square on its shoulders taking it by surprise. She bit down on it's neck and it tried shaking her off and slammed her against a tree. Ow... She thought miserbly as she raked her claws down it's sides and back. She tightend her grip on the foxes throat. It's still young so, even though it has alot of energy, it's stupider and has less experiance! She thought some-what happily. The fox started yelping and tried to run away. Fallensky let go of it's neck and jumped off. She snuck away, and made a silent brake for home after she was certain that the fox was gone.

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