Friday, May 4, 2012

Guess what it's time for a parody.......
Lets stick with the warriors theme.

Warriors: The Script

Jayfeather = JF
Lionblaze = LB
Hollyleaf = HL
Dovewing = DW
Ivypool = IP
Bluestar= BL
Get the point....yet.

JF(thinking): Finally we defeated the dark forest. Bramblestar is right now being unleader like by making kissy faces at Squrrielflight.

(Walks into forest)

Oooooooh FLUFFY POWDER white stuff *flour*.

JF: Dang those fish they got my powder wet. Oooooh it's sticky. *Looks at a big bag labled sugar*

JF:Let's pour this in. And some baking soda too.
(gets knocked uncouncious)

Announcer: Welcome to todays cooking show.

JF: Huh?  What?? Where am I???  What's going on??  *Looks at his shirt*  What's this???!!!
*HL walks up*

HL: Your at my new baking, and cooking show!!  *Crowd cheers*

 JF:  HUH???  Why did i get dragged into this mess??!!  Why is this weird soft pelt on me???

*FS walks up*

FS: Hey, JF!  How's it goin'???

JF: Why is our every word and motion being recorded on a big screen up there *gestures to the big screen recording this*  Wait, why did you, Firestar, just call me JF???

FS: It's FS, not that silly name you said!  *Bristles*

LB:  It's time to BAKE!! *Has frosting smeared on his muzzle*

*JF stares at his crazy brother*

*BL poofs in*

BL: Hey, FS!! *Purrs with FS*

*HL starts the cameras*

BL:  Wait!  Are we broadcasting this to Thunderclan???!! *Starts to hyperventilate* *then runs away*

*JF runs after BL* 


Announcer: This ends today's pickle recipe. Come back next week.

JF: WHAT! I have to through this AGAIN!

And Thus ends Jayfeather's I mean JF's Nightmare.  Tune in next time to find out who actually stole his pudding. Find out who knocks him unconscious.....

We're Back!!  Here is the answers!

LB:  It's timefor more baking!!! *jumps lik a little girl**

JF: Ughh!!1  Why!! *cries out at sky*

Announcer:  Okay, the contestants for this bake off is-

LB: *cuts in*  PUDDING!!

Announcer:  It's PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*YF appears*

YF: We're havin' pie???  YES!  GIMMEE!  *Tries to grab the best pie, but is held back by warrior officers*  NNNOO!!!!

LP: Hey, I'm here!!

JF: *Groans*  why my mother?? :((

HL: I had no idea she was going to be here!

LB:*Stalks away 'cause he's bored*

*DW appears and has magical wings*
DW: Hey, JF!  How's it goin'??

JF: Aww... Well, LB just stalked off,  and yesterday, BL took my pudding!  So, I guess it's just a regular week. *sigh*

BL: What did u say about me getting pudding???

JF: Uh.. Well u did take it!

BL: Yes, I took it from the table, it was sitting there abandoned!

JF: I was about to eat it with mah spoon!!

BL: Didn't see that, I saw a nice bowl of pudding sitting delicately on the table, and a spoon next to it-

JF: *cuts in*  moving???

BL: NO!  Just sitting there!!!  *steam starts to come out of ears*  NOOOO!!! *stomps*

JF: *Backs off* WHOA!!  Fiery comets for today's forecast!

LB: BACK!!!  *Sees steam*  FIRE!!!!  aaaahhhhh!!!!!!  RUNNN!!!  IT'S A FIRRRREEE!!!!  EEEEKKKKKK!!!!

*Starclan cats stream out and into the clans' lake*

Kitten from TC: Mommy!  Look, there's crazy cats running into the lake!!  *squeaking with joy*

JF: *Walks out of the lake, drenched in water*  Whew!  that was really weird!I had weird dream that I was running in the lake!  .....Huh.....

LB: That was *cough* real! *chokes on a fish*

 CH: I'll save you, my beloved mate!!  *rushes up in slow motion, but JF already starts CPR*  Hey! *bristles*

JF: You snooze you lose!

CH: *Barrels into JF*  AAHH!!  
*LB wakes up*
LB: You saved my life, JF, you are my true hero and my true man!  Will you be *kneels* my best man?

JF: *Stares again at his crazy brother*  *Whispers to CH* I think he had too much sugar!

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